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Friday, 19 June 2015

Helpiez a IIT-Delhi student based startup...........

About Us
With 3.3 million NGO’s present in India, we still have a dearth of volunteers who volunteer for change, for turning the society a better place to live in. In this modern age of technology, people seldom have information that would, on one hand, make them approach the concerned NGO themselves and on the other hand, make them motivated enough to try and make our society a better place.
Thus, Helpiez, was created to revolutionize the outreach of social service in India by creating a web portal for those who are dedicated to people and are interested in working for benefit of the society.
We are designing a user-friendly, interactive portal through which the users, especially the youth with their extensive social circles and network can connect to welfare organizations and the society. This portal will feature customizable search options for all the projects, programs, volunteering events, internships or jobs related to NGOs etc. It will also have a separate profile for each organization which they get to manage according to their needs.
Helpiez, sincerely believes in the cause of bridging the wide gap between the motivated volunteers and the different NGO’s supporting different causes. This portal will directly help welfare organizations in increasing their online presence which will enable people to look through their agenda and contribute correspondingly. Hence, it will increase awareness in the society for both the Cause and about the NGO which works for the Cause.
Through Helpiez, the social developers of the present will find a new platform to raise their concerns from and on the other hand it will also make the volunteering more efficient and easily available to the people. This social venture in the long run and in many ways will take community service in India to a whole new level giving it the required push. We, at Helpiez, shall bring together those people who demand a social change and make world a better place for future generations.

Our Journey
We bring good people and good causes together
August 2014
Our Humble Beginnings
An ideology to do something positive for the society – the link that brought four of us together. It all started with discussing the online inaccessibility of social organisations and ended with a concept of developing a web portal for the same. That was the moment to start it all.
December 2014
An Agency is Born
After doing a few surveys, highlighting the need for something just like it, the gravity of matter dawned upon us. The concept gradually transformed itself into a full-fledged idea. And thus, Helpiez was born.
  • Be Part
    Of Our
Campaign Design
Campaign Design Internship at in

About ( is a IIT-Delhi student based startup with an aim to revolutionize the social service in India. Helpiez allows people to connect with Causes they care about and engage in volunteering opportunities, events and Internships.
About the Internship:
We are looking for summer interns to design and coordinate India wide campaigns .
We believes that campaigns can bring changes to the society .
Your work include designing campaigns related to various social causes prevalent in India.
As its a well known proverb that "winners don't do different things they do things differently"
We are also looking for winners who should be creative and deep thinker
We will assign roles after selecting the candidates based on ability and skill set.
Every student who wants to gain crucial experience of working in startup should apply. 

Who can apply:
  • Anybody can apply.


What fashion did General Ambrose Burnside start in Civil War

In what village do Tom Sawer and Huckleberry Finn live
St Petersburg

What Opera's story is about a female cigar factory worker

E is the international car registration plate for which country
Spain (Espania)

USA has most roads what country has second most

In the Chinese calendar what year follows Monkey

What river flows through 8 countries and four capitols

What does the word Desert (from Latin desertus)  translate as

In 1848 The London Daily News carried the worlds fist what
Weather report / forecast

What is a Kakapoo
Nocturnal New Zealand Parrot

Part of the human body can expand 20 times its normal size
Stomach  0.5 litres to 5  litres

In the 1920s Dr Ida Rolf developed Rolfing as what alt therapy
Deep Massage

Which dinosaurs name translated as speedy predator

Price one kilo went from $63 to $260 in 1976 when sale illegal

The island of Yap has the worlds largest what
Coins up to 12 feet across

Which tennis player was sued by his fan club
Jimmy Connors

What animal - faster horse - longer no h20 camel - see behind

What is a chemically castrated cock called

Nessus killed Hercules - What was Nessus

Eva Shain was the first woman to do what
Judge pro heavy boxing Match

Ben Franklin invented it - Britain tried it in 1916  -  What
Daylight saving Time

In which country is Mount Aspiring National Park
New Zealand (South Island)

Alfred Wallace coined which phrase - Wrongly given to Darwin
Survival of the Fittest

Who won the first Nobel prize for Physics in 1901 - gave away

 What countries days include Fire day, Water day and wood day                                                                                                                        Japan Tue Wed Thu
Wilhelm Roentgen


The name Malissa means what

What was Acadia
Nova Scotia (French

Dragoon, Antwerp, Poulter, Tumbler, Horseman types of what

What was the first frozen food available in Britain in 1937

If you suffer from cynanthropy what do you think you are

What is the phonetic alphabet word for letter P

What is a runcible spoon
A broad Pickle fork

The artist Abbott Thayer's developed what for military use
Camouflage colours

What did Francis Bacon call The Purest of Pleasures
The Garden

What is the largest single known gold object in the world
Tutankhamens Coffin

Madame Pauline de Vere first female circus performer - do what
Head in Lions Mouth

How was Alexander the Greats body preserved
In large jar of honey

Californian law no shooting any animal - moving car except what

Peter Falk plays Lt Colombo but who was first offered role
Bing Crosby

What type of birds (Hugin + Munin) sit on the shoulders of Odin

Where are you most likely to have a serious accident
In your home

Melvin R Bissell invented what in 1876 in the USA
Carpet Sweeper

Peniaphobia fear of what
Being Penniless

About which game has most books been written

Albert De Salvo was better known as who
The Boston Strangler

What was the last European nation to accept the potato

Students at Cambridge - no dogs - what Lord Byron keep

King Mongut had aprox 9000 wife's/concubines what country
Siam - Thailand

Only approx one third worlds population uses what regularly

William Tayton was the first man to do what
Appear on TV – at Bairds demo

Clemintina Campbell famous as who
Cleo Lane

What should you give after 15 years of marriage

What is a Charollais
Type of Cattle

What place is called Rapa-nui by its native inhabitants
Easter Island

Where was/is the original Penthouse
In a Real Tennis Court

What pop group took their name from a Herman Hess novel

How often does a Hebdomadal Council meet

What was unusual about Tyrell's car in the 1976 Spanish G Prix
Six Wheels

In what country is the Eucumbene Dam
Australia New S Wales

Males outnumber females by 5 to 1 in what addiction

For what would an Edgar be awarded or won
Mystery Writing

What are salopettes
Snow proof Dungaree trousers

Which society cared - plague victims when physicians left 1665

Domenikos Theotocopoulos born Crete - died Spain - who
El Greco

What nation on average takes most time to eat meals

Dr F Lanchester invented what motor safety aid in 1902
Disc Brakes

Halophobia fear of what

Arthur Jefferson better known as who
Stan Laurel

Why is the city La Paz in Bolivia safe from fire
To high - Not enough air to burn

What is the national drink of Yugoslavia

Agnes the girls name means what

What were the wicks in the Vestal Virgins lamps made from

Who is the Patron Saint of France
St Denis

What are you supposed to give/get for 40 years of marriage

What is the Roman Numeral for 1000


In the Chinese New Year what year follows Rat

Genuphobia is the fear of what

Percy LeBaron Spencer invented what in 1945 in USA
Microwave Oven

St Peter was the first Pope - Who was second
St Linus

What 1945 film won best picture, actor, director Oscars
The Lost Weekend

What is the literal translation of pot-pouri
Putrid Pot

Who did James Bond marry - character - (both names)
Theresa Draco

What is studied in the science of somatology
The Body

What was Hugh Hefner's jet plane called
Big Bunny

What profession did Handel originally study
The Law

What European nation was the first to drink tea
The Dutch

Beaufort - the wind scale man - had what job
Sailor (Admiral)

What bird is the symbol of Penguin books (children's section)

Diane Leather was the first woman to do what
Sub 5 minute mile

What is Admiral Sir Miles Messervy usually known as
M (Bond films)

Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation
The Blood

What film made 58 times - cartoon, porrno, operatic, ballet

Mr Chips said goodbye from Brookfield school - What subject

In which American city can you get doctorate in hambugerology
Hamburger College – Chicago

Which author created The Saint (both names)
Leslie Charteris

What is sericulture
Growing Silkworms

What was Edison’s first practical invention
Tick a Tape for stockmarket

Frigophobia fear of what
Being Cold

Which company invented the transistor radio in 1952

Who is the only solo performer to win Euro song twice
Johnny Logan 1980 – 1987

Franz Liszt was the farther in law of what composer
Richard Wagner

In what town was Leonardo Da Vinci born

Who directed the Halloween series of films
John Carpenter

What metal impurity makes rubies red and emeralds green

Helen Mitchell became famous as what soprano
Nellie Melba

Robert Whithead invented what weapon in 1866

Zymase and Glucose combine to form what drug

Translated literally what does television mean
Far Seeing

Not as soups what have gazpacho - vichyssoise in common
Served Cold

Who was the Greek goddess of retribution

47 people worked on a committee to produce what work
Authorised version of Bible

What book was made into the first feature length British cartoon
Animal Farm in 1954

Who first said "Publish and be Damned"
Wellington re Harriot Wilson mistress

Edwin Drake sank the first of them in 1859 - what were they
Oil Wells

Calico cloth was invented in which country

What is dittology
Double meaning

Who played Pink in the movie The Wall
Bob Geldorf

Rhabdophobia fear of what
Being Beaten

Dr C W Long was the first to use what (anaesthetic) in 1842

Hey Big Spender comes from what musical
Sweet Charity

Jamie Farr played what role in MASH
Corporal Clinger

Whets the correct name for golf club called Texas Wedge

Whose nickname was slowhand (both names)
Eric Clapton

Which country invented the mariners compass

What countries international car registration letters are DZ