Which Mediterranean countries orchestra is bigger than its army | Monaco | |
What links stags tails, pickled worms, gallstones, tomatoes | Once thought to be Aphrodisiacs | |
Baked beans were originally served in what sauce | Treacle - molasses | |
Where can you buy a copy of Penguin News | Falkland Islands | |
Who was the hero of the old TV cop series Dragnet | Sergeant Joe Friday | |
Which African country was founded by Americans | Liberia | |
What was Britain called - before it was Britain | Albion | |
What part of a frog do you rub to hypnotise it | Its belly | |
How did multi millionaire Russell Sage save money | Not wear underwear | |
How was USA president James Buchanan different from all rest | Batchelor maybe gay | |
What's involved in 20% of car accidents in Sweden | A moose | |
What's unusual about evangelist Amy Semple McPhersons coffin | Contains Telephone | |
Who would use a swozzle | Punch and Judy man | |
What does a tailor do with his plonker | Press suits | |
Churches in Malta have two what | Clocks right and wrong confuse devil | |
Marnie Nixon what Deborah Kerr Natilie Wood Audrey Hepburn | Dubbed in their singing voices | |
Which Italian tractor maker tried making cars in 1960s | Ferruchio Lamborghini | |
What first appeared on Page 1 of the Times 3 May 1966 | News stories | |
Caruso put what in Nellie Melbas hand singing tiny hand frozen | Hot Sausage | |
What would you do with an Edzell blue | Eat it - it’s a potato | |
In what month did the Russian October revolution take place | November | |
Nobody's perfect is the last line in which classic comedy film | Some Like it Hot | |
How did Buffalo Bill stick to one glass whisky a day | Quart glass | |
In 1760 what means of personal transport was invented | Roller Skates | |
What three counties were Eliza Dolittle taught to pronounce | Hertford Hereford Hampshire | |
In Hitchcock's film The Trouble with Harry - what was the trouble | He was dead | |
What was the first gramophone record made from | Tinfoil | |
What did George Washington soak his wooden teeth in for taste | Port | |
George V1 Mozart Al Jolson Casanova - which organisation | Freemasons | |
Who said "Its so long since sex I forget who gets tied up" | Joan Rivers | |
St Appolonia Patron Saint of what | Toothache | |
What is measured on the Gay-Lussac scale | Alcohol strength | |
A squid found in New Zealand had the biggest what ever seen | Eye 15.75 inches | |
What was the first country to guarantee freedom of worship | Transylvania | |
which famous person invented the cat flap | Isaac Newton | |
By law what can you not do in Minnesota with your washing line | Put male female washing together | |
Why do Tibetans grow long nails on little fingers | To pick noses efficiently | |
Richard Penniman became famous as who | Little Richard | |
What is a snood | A kind of hairnet | |
Who said "men are creatures with two legs and 8 hands" | Jayne Mansfield | |
Which European country eats the most breakfast cereal | Britain | |
Philosopher Jeremy Bentham has a very unusual pet - what | Tea Pot | |
What country did Italy invade in 1935 | Abyssinia - Ethiopia | |
Who sang the title song in the film Grease | Frankie Valli | |
What is produced in a ginnery | Cotton | |
What was made illegal in England in 1439 | Kissing | |
What was invented by Dr Albert Southwick in 1881 | Electric chair | |
In which country are you most likely to die from a scorpion sting | Mexico (1000 a year) | |
Who is the most filmed author | Shakespeare over 300 | |
Excluding religious works what is the worlds top selling book | Guinness Book of |
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
IAS Quiz Series 10
Behavioral interview tips
Behavioral Interview
Behavioral Interview is the kind of interview of which the goal is to identify whether the candidates have suitable skills for the job. In such an interview, the interviewers shall not ask what you will do, but instead, what you did. They want to know how you handled certain circumstances that you have experienced in the past and based on your answer, they will evaluate how well you handle such circumstances in the future.
STAR is short for a procedure, in which:
• S = Situation: describe the situation.
• T = Task: identify the goals you wish to achieve.
• A = Action: determine the action you should perform to reach such goals.
• R = Result: what is the result you expect?
Behavioral interview tips
Have you prepared carefully before a Behavioral Interview. Read the job description carefully and your profile as well. Identify which qualifications, abilities or skills of yours should be most suitable to the job.
Prepare a list of questions that may be asked in a Behavioral Interview after considering job description. Also, prepare answers to such questions.
The interviewer may want to know about your behavior in certain situations (guess which situations it may be) or your past experience in working which may influence on the performance of current job. Emphasize on your abilities or skills which help you resolve problems in the past or help improve your performance.
Be coherent in your stories. Begin with a brief introduction to the problem. Then, talk about your action, and the result of your action. Finally, summarize your approach and solution.
The interviewer may wish to debate on certain problems during your working experience. It is because he or she is seeking your abilities to perform the duties for which they are recruiting. He or she wants to know how you take over a new challenge and how you can resolve new problems.
If you are applying for the first time, and certainly you don‘t have much working experience to talk about, you may demonstrate your problems at university or some college projects or events you participated in. Don‘t be too nervous if you don‘t have much working experience. The Interviewer simply wants to know your behavior under certain circumstances only.
Answer as sincerely as possible. Don‘t lie as if you are discovered, it shall be very a very bad situation.
There may be some argumentative questions. And to deal with them, firstly, you have to stay calm and think of them carefully. Make your points clearly and confidently. Don‘t be much worried about lose. The point here is that you are confident with your approaches.
The interviewer doesn‘t expect you can handle every situation. If he or she raises one which you were unable to resolve, explain its result and why you couldn‘t deal with it. Tell him or her which you have learn from such failure.
Remembering everything at moment of the interviewer asking the questions is nearly impossible. So, the most important tip is that you have get yourself prepared carefully before the Behavioral Interview.
Case Interview Tips
Case Interview or Situational Interview
Case Interview is a method of interviewing which is more suitable for consulting firms or financial firms. The candidate is asked to resolve a problem, a situation or a conflict at work that might have occurred or may occurred in future in relation to the job.
Case Interview Tips
For a candidate to perform well in a case interview, he or she should following the tips below:
• Take notes during the case. You may need these notes to answer questions of the interviewer.
• Consider the situational questions carefully.
• You may raise questions to the interviewer – nevertheless, you should only ask to know more clearly or more detailed about the situation.
• Make a plan of thinking with assumptions before answering the questions. Real case scenario needs a careful resolving plan.
• Think twice before answering.
• Structure your answer logically and coherently.
• Lead the interviewers by your assumptions and explanations.
• Don‘t be too nervous. Be calm and stay professional. Then start talking with the interviewer.
• Remember that case interview is your opportunity to observe and be able to solve a real experience business of the company which you are applying in. So try your best.
Lunch (Breakfast) Interview
Lunch (Breakfast) Interview
Don‘t let the meal take you off your track. This is still a business situation, an interview. So, behave properly with your table manner. Take advantage of the meal as a relaxed method but don‘t pay much attention on it.
1. Tips for Interviewers:
A Lunch Interview is not much different from a normal one except that you have to behave more properly.
Wear formal outfit to the Lunch Interview.
The candidate is supposed to not drink while waiting for you.
If you order an alcoholic drink, it should be proper if you invite the candidate to have the same.
If you are ready to leave, you should be the first to say goodbye.
The candidate is supposed to pay attention to you instead of his or her lunch.
The candidate is supposed to send you a Thank-note after the meal.
Prepare a list of questions and topics you may wish to raise in the interview. Remember that lunch interview is normally longer than regular ones. Therefore, don‘t let you run out of things to say.
You have finished your meal doesn‘t mean that the interview is over.
Politeness is very important, especially since you are the interviewer. Behave properly with others.
Behave properly during the meal (don‘t eat and talk at the same time, don‘t smoke while eating, don‘t put your elbow on the table).
2. How To Order:
• Choose foods that do not require your hand to grab or similarity. Deliciousness of the meal is not what a Lunch Meal focuses on but the behavior and interview questions. So, don‘t order something that is too delicious. Also, don‘s order something consisting of onion or garlic.
• The candidate is supposed to order food of similar price as you order. If you invite him or her to make order first, he or she is supposed to order food of average price.
Panel interview tips
Panel Interview
Panel Interview is a rather commonly used interview method. In such an interview, candidates shall be requested to answer questions of several interviewers who are employees of the company. These interviewers may ask the candidates to show their skills and qualifications or describe again the details in their resumes, nevertheless. In addition, the candidates may be asked to resolve a certain problematic situation raised by the panel. In such a panel interview, the interviewers seek to know how well a candidate can utilize his or her knowledge and skills in real-life situation.
Panel interview tips
Below are some tips for you if you are going to take a Panel Interview:
1. Learn as much about the company and the job as possible; also, find information about the department you are applying to work in:
This information shall be greatly useful for you in answering possible questions raised by panel members. Also, it may get you closer to the panel as the interviewers shall be greatly impressed when they are interviewing such a candidate who has quite knowledge of their company and the job.
2. Practice answering possible questions; get used to the process of a Panel Interview:
You should try to get a hold of the process of a Panel interview, from introduction, answering question to ending the interview. You may consult your family members or friends who have experienced such an interview for advice. Make a list of possible questions raised by each of panel members and try answering them.
3. Bring additional paper with you to the Interview:
Remember to give to each of panel members a copy of your resume so that they may know about you and more importantly, pay attention to you before the interview. Maybe they have gotten a copy of your resume already, this way shall make them impressed as seeing how prepared you are.
4. Be Impressive with Your Introduction:
Welcome the interviewers with a kind handshake and a smile. Calling the interviewers by name is courtesy and friendlier.
5. Answer fully but not ramblingly:
Being detailed is good; however, too much irrelevant detail will be ramble and useless. For example, you can use information that you have researched about the company in your answer but don‘t go too much for telling about your experience in working for another company. Another way is to refer to your previous answer to avoid repeating anything you have mentioned.
6. Make sure your eye contact with the interviewers during the interview:
Keeping eye contact is very important. It shows confidence and honesty in your answers. When you start answering a question, make sure you look first at the interviewer who raises such question. When you are about to finish your answer, look at this interviewer again. Just be natural with this. Not everyone can do this without practicing though, so try your best.
7. Ask questions about the company, recruiting department or the job requirements:
Although you may have read the job description, you should make a question about what the job requires. Receiving answer from the interviewers shall be much more detailed than from a job description list. This makes the interview like a discussion between colleagues in the same company. Asking questions in an interview is always a good thing to do. It‘s for your own benefit and for the interviewers‘ benefits as well.
8. Finish your interview with a positive attitude:
Finishing a panel interview is just as important as when you start it. Leaving a good impression after you leave is always beneficial to you. Shake hand with each of the panel members and thank them for their attention and support. Remember to address them by their name which will be a more friendly way to do. State your willingness to learn more about the company and the job and keep your proper gesture until you have left the company.
Stress interview tips
Stress interview
Stress is a physical term indicating the impact of one subject on the other. Though it may sound rather strange, many experienced interviewers may often use this interview method. In a Stress Interview, a number of interviewers shall continuously by turn ask questions and cause pressure on the candidates to evaluate their ability to handle high pressure. Also, the goal of Stress Interview is to test the candidates‘ ability to work under a busy environment. Questions in a stress interview are commonly relating to multi-task project, overtime working or conflict handling at work.
Stress interview tips
1. Stress Interview Process
Stress Interview is normally performed as follows:
• The candidates are made to wait for a long time before the interview.
• The interviewers don‘t show certain manners to the candidates such as inviting them to sit or drink a glass of water.
• The interviewers keep a long silence before asking the candidates.
• The interviewers ask multiple of questions before the candidates can answer completely one.
• The interviewers may pretend not paying attention to the candidates and therefore, make them very stressful.
• The interviewers may criticize the candidates no matter they approve or disapprove.
• Behavior improperly during the interviews which may cause hard feelings for the candidates.
2. Methods of Dealing with Stress Interview
• Don‘t take personally for what you see. Think of this like a game of mind.
• Keep calm and don‘t get frustrated. This is an interview. There must be something going on.
• Answer clearly and don‘t change your answer.
• Maintain a smile on your face. Don‘t look so serious.
• Don‘t overreact for what you hear.
• Keep your head cool is the best way to deal with this high pressure.
Groups interview tips
Group Interview
Group Interview involves a group of number of interviewers asking a group of candidates. The purpose of this interview method is to select potential candidates for management positions or public positions (in which the candidates are required to communicate with publicity). Excellent candidates are gathered into groups of 8-10 people. After that, they will be asked to debate on certain topics raised by the interviewers. The interviewers shall observe and assess the candidates‘ ability to communicate, persuade and discuss with others. Also, the interviews may measure the candidates‘ ability of reasoning and cooperating with others.
Groups interview tips
1. Be polite and generous with others. Try to break the ice with your interesting introduction to other candidates.
2. Listen to the interviewer‘s instructions carefully and analyze them well.
3. Actively and dynamically participate in the discussion. That is highly expected by the
interviewers. Don‘t just stay there and listen as it may cost you the chance of getting the job.
4. Nevertheless, knowing to listen is important, too. You must know when to be a talker and when to be a listener. That‘s important.
5. Don‘t be stubborn and too much aggressive in your discussion. Be cooperative, stay calm and listen attentively. Those are requirements of a potential candidate.
6. Try to deal with conflict in an appropriate manner. There out to be disagreements in a discussion, certainly. The goal of the discussion is to debate on a common solution; however, only cooperation may be able to come to such a solution but not aggressiveness or arrogance.
7. Appreciate others‘ opinions and support others in narrating their ideas.
8. Constructive criticism is good in a debate; however, make your points so that they don‘t cause any offense.
9. Try to avoid any conflict or ―quarrel‖ in a discussion. All of candidates are supposed to work in a team but not fight in a competition. So, try to lead the discussion to a positive outcome.
10. Make a list of constructive questions to ask in the discussion.
11. When you are required to answer questions by the interviewer, keep your answer short and complete.
12. Work as a team but also remember to make you individually outstanding.
13 types of job interview questions and how to face them
13 types of job interview questions and how to face them:
Screening Interview
Screening is commonly the first step in recruitment process of the company after application forms have been received. Its purpose is to assess generally the skills and qualification of potential candidates and select out those who lack necessary qualification or cannot meet job requirements. Only those candidates who have adequately met job requirements or have certain talents may pass this interview phase. This interview is normally short and the candidates are supposed to prove themselves in the briefest manner to qualify for the job.
Computer Screening Interview: A computer-based questionnaire shall be given to the candidates online (commonly known as IQ or EQ tests).
Phone Screening Interview: If the candidates are far from the company, phone interview may be used instead. This method is also used in screening interview.
Face-to-Face Screening Interview: a HR specialist shall conduct a small interview with a group of number of candidates.
2. Tips in Taking Screening Interview:
Maintain a smile under every situation. That shall help create a positive image of yours.
Have proper manner especially while taking a phone screening interview. Think twice before answering.
Be enthusiastic in your answer. If you are taking a phone interview, you don‘t have to pay attention to your body language, so focus on your tone only.
Practice phone interviews with your friends or relatives.
Keep a glass of water available as you may need it after speaking.
Leave everything else for your phone interview. If you are busy talking with someone, you may leave it for later but you cannot miss the interview.
Don‘t forget that a normal phone from the interviewers may still part of the process of recruiting.
Keep your application form and recruitment announcement nearby so you may use it at any time.
Prepare a pen and a sheet of paper with you to note down important information. If you liked this post, please share it to your friends:
Phone Interview
Phone Interview is a useful method of pre-selecting or screening a number of candidates for a potential job. It helps narrow the candidate pool and selects out those who shall be invited to a personal interview. Also, this method helps reduce the cost of interview as it reduces the number of candidates for a personal interview.
Phone interview tips
• Know which zone gives you best comfort. Many people are well-performed in such a quite room; in contrast, the rest would rather pace around. If you are just interested in sitting still, the perfect choice for you is to be in a room freely from being bothered. In case walking and talking is your style, a prepared route should be put under careful considerations. This will be a help in ensuring that no outside noise or unwelcomed distractions such as sirens can appear. Make certain that the walk is totally fresh and leisure so that your breath maintains calm.
• Smile. Pessimistic or strained attitude can be easily revealed through a phone call. Before the interview, relax yourself with some minutes of listening to a favorite song or enjoying a funny video on YouTube. Being in a good mood is of great importance.
• Set call waiting in disable mode. In case you cannot disable call waiting, you must ignore if there is someone calling you.
• Be well-dressed. Facts have shown that if you look best dressed in at least business casual attire, it will create such a great difference in your capacity of concentrating on the interview. Putting on the appropriate clothes and having a serious approach to the call is a good way that makes your behavior become professional no matter how your surroundings are.
• If the call is made on a cell phone, ensure that it is not windy nearby. The noise of wind may avert you from clearly hearing the questions and the interviewers may find it much more difficult to get your answers.
• Chewing gum, cigarettes, food or other stuffs are not advised to be used. They can butt in vocal chords while the interview is in progress.
• Listen. If there is no visual communication during a personal interview, it will be very difficult to know what time is best to stop talking. If you are too nervous and your blood flows too fast, the mistake of over-saying is easily apparent. Be certain that you speak slowly and clearly. As soon as you have finished answering all the questions, feel fine with such probably inconvenient moment of silence. Accordingly, the interviewer can see that you are done, and then they will continue to ask. You should listen and be patient to wait for them, and afterwards, fulfill their wonders, and then proceed. It is advised that you note down some key points of each question.
• Stand up. A stretch of your body will help you relax with a full strength of your lungs. Accordingly, you can speak more accurately and powerfully.
• Practice makes perfect. In all cases, practicing before the real interview offers you better preparations for the popular interview questions. Do not forget to ―act in practice as you will in the game‖. You can see a big difference.
• If you wear earrings, they should be put off before the phone call. A lot of people get used to adjusting the phone‘s headset while the call is on. It is likelihood that such earrings will rub up against the phone; an awful and bothering noise can be created for those who are now on the call.
• No speaker phone.
• Do not forget to ask for the names of your interviewers. And then, remember to give them a polite thank you.
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