Anna university results

Sunday, 28 June 2015


What is unusual about the nobody crab
Transparent appears
No Body

Collective nouns - what group af animals are a labour

Durbarry is cream of a vegetable soup  -  what one

What is the Australian name for a long narrow ox bow lake

Les Reed wrote which famous song for a Welsh singer
Its not Unusual – Tom Jones

What does hours d'oeurve literally mean
Out of course hence Extra Dish

Nossa Senhora da Aparecida is the Patron Saint which country

What airline used to be called Dobrolet

The Acropolis - what does the word literally mean
Highest point (of a city)

What is a Dolly Varden
Large Hat

Whose last words were - "That was the best soda I ever tasted"
Lou Costello

What is the common name for the astyeroidea

Jonquil is a shade of what colour

Vincent Furnier is better known as who
Alice Cooper

If you were severed a dish 'belle h'elen what fruit would it be

Terrance Nelhams became better knows as who
Adam Faith

Dick Turpin the highwayman served and apprenticeship as what

What is the main food of the Oyster catcher bird

In which cop show did Petrie and Isbecki appear
Cagney and Lacey

In the Bolshoi ballet what does the word Bolshoi mean

Which acid gives nettles their sting
Formic acid

In the Hindu religion what is a Mandir

Which wine grape variety is most planted in California

A paddling is a group of which animals

From what country does the dish skordalia come

What is a geoduck

What is Sean Connery's real first name

What nationally was Mata Hari shot as a spy

Who said - Toe err is human - But it feels divine
Mae West

Names - Baker - Cook Smith easy - what did a Chandler do
Make Candles

Declan McManus became famous as who
Elvis Costello

Robert Fitzroy captained which famous ship
The Beagle

Who said "I have no problems with drugs - only policemen"
Keith Richard

Which American city was named after a British Prime Minister

Spelling counts - what is the singular of scampi

What plant was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow

Which sailor dreamed of Toasted Cheese in Treasure Island
Ben Gunn

Who played the girl on the motorcycle in a film of same name
Marianne Faithful

What writer was paid $5 for writing thanks
Rudyard Kipling

What sort of animal is a fennec
Desert Fox

Vermicelli pasta literally translates as what
Little worms

Ernest Hemmingway, Oscar Wilde, Ranier Maria Rilke - Common
Mothers made them Crossdress

What foodwise is a Fieldlane Duck
Baked Sheep's Head

When does a Bride walk up the Aisle
Never Aisles at side only

How did Marc Quinquadron die while setting a new world record
Food Poisoning ate 7 snails 3 min

Why two car thieves caught trying to sell stolen car in 1976
Tried to sell to owner

Billie Holiday, James Dean, Eva Peron, Janis Joplin - Common
All were Prostitutes

What subject Ben Franklins letter to Royal Academy - Brussels
Perfuming Farts

Reginald Carey became famous as who
Rex Harrison

What is a Chorizo
Spicy Sausage


What is the national flower of Australia
The Wattle Blossom

A nudist is Spain fined £65 - £60 for being nude and £5 for what
Having no ID papers

Adolf Hitler took nude photos of Ava Brown - What part why
Arse - so she not recognised

What links Sheffield, Edinburgh, Rome
Built on 7 Hills

What pet did Florence Nightingale carry with her
An Owl (in her pocket)

What did the S stand for in Harry S Truman

Women 375 - 1 Men 1400 - 1 chance of doing what
Living to 100

What colour is Octopus blood

A Rafter is a collection of what creatures

In Maryland it is illegal to maltreat which creature

What are the worlds smallest trees - (not Bonsai)
Dwarf Willows
( Greenland) 2 inch

Paul Revere was a silversmith, copper engraver and what

What fruit did Eve give to Adam in the bible
Fig – Apple mistranslation

Gavrilo Princip assassinated who
Archduke Ferdinand

What is the only bird that can smell

Apart from man what is New Zealand's only native mammals

Wo Fat was the enemy of which TV detective
Steve MacGarett

Who entered a contest to find his own look-alike and came 3rd
Charlie Chaplin

What colour is worn for funerals in Egypt

What country excludes women from the graveside rituals

An Arab horse has less what than other horses
Bones - one vertebra less

An exultation is a group of what animals

Pertussis has what more common name
Whooping Cough

Which actress was jailed in 1982 for tax evasion
Sophia Loren

In what country did red onions originate

March 21st to April 20th is what Star sign

Viscum Album provides an excuse for stealing what
A Kiss (its Mistletoe)

A haboob creates what
Sandstorm – Desert

Felix Salten wrote which Disney cartoon

Nephologists study what
Clouds - Meteorology

Speed skating started in which country

What job did Ernest Hemmingway do in WW1
Ambulance Driver

Betty Joan Perske is better known as who
Lauren Bacall

What was the name of the Roman God of sleep

Vivaldi the composer had what other profession

What is the name of the four holy books of the Hindus
The Vedas

Pat Sullivan created which cartoon character
Felix the Cat

What is the national flower of Mexico

The Pindus is the main mountain range in what country

What animal always gives birth to same sex twins

What was the final episode of MASH called
Goodbye Farewell and

Joe Yule jr born 1920 became famous as who
Mickey Rooney

In what sport are Triffus, Miller and Rudolf moves

Albert Finney turned down which role - Peter O Tool - Oscar
Laurence of Arabia

Douglas Engelbart invented what - we all use it

Hans Christian Anderson had what job before writing

What colour is named after a battle fought in Italy in 1859

In Scotland what was the tawse
Teachers Strap or belt

Which authors books are most borrowed from libraries
Catherine Cookson

What do you add to vegetables to make the dish salmagundi
Duck or Chicken


What dinosaurs name translates as roof lizard

In which country did Turkeys originate

What is Radar from MASH home town
Ottumwa - Iowa

In Macbeth what witch speaks first
The first witch

What fabled monster has a lions head and a serpents tail

CH car international registration plate which country

Who said - Give us the tools and we will finish the job Feb 1941
Winston Churchill

In The Marriage of Figaro - who did Figaro marry

What state was founded by Mohammed Ali Jinnah

What nationality are the most immigrants to the USA

Who steals the Pink Panther in the original film
The Phantom

What is Challa
Bread - often plaited

Cher Ami saved the Lost Battalion in 1918 what was it

Whose girlfriend was Virginia Hill - he killed her B Hills 1947
Bugsy Siegel

What is the oldest known alcoholic beverage

In 1986 Graceland was the Grammy album of the year – who’s
Paul Simon

Bob Cummings played which character (both names)
Maxwell Smart

Complete advertising phrase from 1935 My Goodness
My Guinness

Who said - "The bigger they come the harder they fall" 1899
Bob Fitzsimmons

What is Lolita's surname in Vladimere Nabokovs novel

From what country does the Elkhound originate

An isohel on a map joins place of equal what

A Regatta is a boat races  - where was the original Regatta

In England what would you buy or get at a Mop Fair
Servants for Hire

Who was the little gentleman in velvet - death William III
A Mole

From what country does soave wine originally come

Antipater of Sidon first listed what 2nd Century AD
7  Wonders World

What are Limerick, Round Bend, Aberdeen and Octopus
Fishing Hooks

What fluid ran through the Greek Gods instead of blood

Who is Oscar, Zoroaster, Phadrig, Isaac, Norman,Henkle, Emmanual, Ambrose Diggs
Wizard of Oz

The Marie Celeste sailed from which port
New York

In Milton's Paradise Lost what was the lowest point of Hell
Pandemonium (Hells capitol)

Pat Reid wrote which book - filmed and TV often
The Colditz Story

How was William Huskinson killed in 1830 - first ever
Run over by Railway Train

In which country is Zug
Switzerland – smallest Canton

Who was captured and kept in a cage by Stromboli

Which USA record producer played maracas Stones 1st album
Phil Spector

Who was nicknamed The Brocton Bomber
Rocky Marciano

Name the Hotel in Arthur Haley's novel / film of same name
St Gregory

Frank and Jesse James father had what job

What was the Grammy album of the year in 1967 (Full name)
Beatles Sergeant Peppers

McLean Stevenson played which character in MASH
Colonel Blake

Which company slogan was "We're No 2 We try harder"
Avis rent a car

Who said the quickest way of ending a war is to lose it
George Orwell

5 items a Sikh must have Comb Dagger Hair Metal Bracelet and
Knee length undershorts 5Ks

Edward Teach became famous as who
Blackbeard the Pirate

To which dog was a statue erected in Edinburgh
Greyfriers Bobby

What does a Puissance event test in showjumping
High Jump wall

Who wrote the music to the film The Odessa File
Andrew Lloyd Webber

Which Dickens novel features Waxford Squears
Nicholas Nickleby