Anna university results

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Geometry File Format of IE3D 7.0 and IE3D 8.0

   Geometry File Format of IE3D 7.0 and IE3D 8.0

            In this appendix, we will illustrate the geometry data format for the IE3D 8.0 and the IE3D 7.X. We will use the geometry in cpw2_70.geo, cpw2_80.geo and cpw2_90.geo in directory c:\ie3d\samples as our example. They describe the same geometry shown in Figure B.1. They are different versions of the files: cpw2_90.geo for IE3D 9.0, cpw2_80.geo for IE3D 8.0 and cpw2_70.geo for the IE3D 7.0. The geometry files are listed in Tables B.1, B.2 and B.3. The IE3D 7.X format is used from IE3D 3.15 to IE3D 7.X. In order to maintain compatibility, IE3D 9.0 users can always save the file into IE3D 7.X or 8.X format. If a user wants to save the file into older format, he should change the File of Type setting in the Save As dialog.


Figure B.1 The geometry to be illustrated.

            The geometry file is saved in text format. The breaks of lines are critical. In our discussion, unless specified otherwise, all frequencies are in GHz. Conductivity is in s/m.

Table B.2 IE3D 8.0 geometry file format.
The format version is 9.
1.499e-7  1  1  0  0
“1.499e-7” is the smallest distance value used in the geometry. Any vertices with distance smaller than this value should be merged into one. The 1st “1” means that AEC is enabled. The 2nd “1” is the width of the edge cells. The unit is in the context follows. The 1st “0” means Meshing Optimization is disabled. The 2nd “0” means there is no comment line. If it is an integer N, it will indicate the next N lines are the comments.
   20  2  2 1 1e+6
The 20 is the meshing frequency; The 2nd number “2” means the geometry file uses mil as length unit (1 means mm; 3 means micron); The 3rd number is the number of dielectric substrates not including the No.0 layer; The 4-th number is the number of metallic strip types. The 5th number “1e+6” is the CAL discussed in Appendix A.
   0.0   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0
The No.0 dielectric layer. The first number is the top surface z-coordinate. It is always 0. The complex dielectric constant is (1,0) and the complex dielectric permeability is (1,0). The complex conductivity is (0, 0). The next 0 means that it is a normal substrate. It may take value of 2 for HTS. When it is 2, the meanings of the parameters will be changed. We will not discuss it here. The last 0 means that it is for the box 0. In future version, we may allow the user to enter multiple boxes. We will denote which box the dielectric layer is using.
  1.0e+1   2.4500e+1  -0.0   1.0  -0.0   0.0   0.0  0  0
The No.1 dielectric layer. The parameters are similarly defined. The top surface z-coordinate is 10 mils. It is defined in line 23that the length unit is mil. It will be used in the whole file. Other parameters are similarly defined as the line 3.
3.9370078744e+16  1  0  1   0  0  0  0  0
The No.2 dielectric layer. The parameters are similarly defined. The top surface z-coordinate is 3.937e+16. It is air.
7.8740157480e-2   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   4.9e+7   0.0   0
The No.1 metal type: The first parameter is the strip thickness. It is followed by the complex dielectric constant, permeability and the conductivity. The last identify what type of material. 0 means it is normal metal. When it takes other values, the parameters in the line have different meanings and we will not document them here.
1 1
Number of grid systems and the current grid system used.
-2.68e+1  5.49e+1  1.52e+2  9.09e+1  0.4 10
The 1st four parameters define the layout. They are not very important, and they can be changed on MGRID. The 0.4 is the actual length each pixel on the screen represents when the structure is zoomed 100%. The dimension of each grid on the screen is 10 pixels, or 4 mils for this case. Starting from MGRID 4.0, the grid size is always 10 pixels. The product of the last 2 numbers is the physical length of the actual grid size specified on MGRID. The grid parameters are used in editing only.
The number of enclosures. We will accept multiple enclosures in the future. In the IE3D 8.0, we still can only accept 1. This value will be set to 1 only.
0  0  0  0  4  4  1  1  0.0  0  0.0  0
This line defines the enclosure walls for the No.0 enclosure. The four 0’s mean that there are no walls in the left, right, bottom and top locations. If any number takes 1, it means it is an electric wall. The number 2 means it is a magnetic wall. The number 3 means it is a periodical wall. Periodical walls come with pair. The two 4’s mean that we will take maximum 4 images in both x and y directions if there are any walls on the direction. In actual simulation, it may be smaller because there are actually not so many images. If the 4 walls are electric or periodic, the numbers should be at least 10.  The next two 1’s mean that we will calculate the radiation pattern for one element in x- and y- directions only on CURVIEW. If the user wants to calculate the pattern for more elements, the user can enter appropriate larger numbers for the x- and/or y-direction. The other way is to use the array factor in PatternView for it. The “0.0 0” is for the phase increment and element index for the x-periodic walls. The last “0.0 0” is for the phase increment and element index for the y-periodic walls. They only have meaning for periodic walls.
   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
This line identifies the locations of the left, right, bottom, and top enclosure walls. Because there is no wall for this structure, we put 0’s here.
 3 3 6 0
The first number is the number of polygons. The second number is the number of metal layers in the editing. The third number is the number of internal ports, which is 6 for this structure. There are 2 external ports only. Each external port has 1 positive port and 2 negative ports. The last number takes 0 meaning there is no plane wave excitation.
   1.0e+1 0
The No.1 metallic layer parameters. More precisely, it should be 2D polygon layer because the polygons in this layer may be representing the slot in a ground plane. The first number 10 means that the first 2D layer is at z = 10 m. The 0 means that the polygons on this layer are metallic polygons. If it is 1, it means that polygons on this layer are slots in the ground plane. In fact, it is a re-definition. On the IE3D 4.0, when the z-coordinate of the layer is on a high conductivity dielectric layer, it is automatically assumed the polygons on the layer are slots. There might be difference for later versions.
 1 3   9.1500033046   9.42477796080.0  1
The parameters for the No.1 internal port: The first parameter is 1 meaning it is using the Extension for MMIC scheme (2 means Localized for MMIC, 4 means Extension for Waves, 5 means Vertical Localized, 6 means 50-Ohms for Waves, 7 means Horizontal Localized Port). The second number is 3 meaning there are 3 cells in the extension. The third number is the length of each cell in the extension. The fourth number is the direction of the port. The fifth number is the distance in shifting the reference plane. Usually it is 0. The last number is the external port index for the internal port 1. For this port, it is the external “+1” port.
 1 3   9.1500033046  3.1415926536   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.2 port. It is the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046  9.42477796080   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.3 port. It is also the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 2
Parameters for the internal No.4 port. It is the “+2” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the internal No.5 port. It is the “-2” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the external No.6 Port. It is also the “-2” external port.
4 1 20 2 1
The parameters for the first polygon: The first polygon has 4 vertices. It is in domain 1. The domain concept is not introduced yet. We just use 1. It will be meshed with 20 cells per wavelength. The third number is always 1The fourth number is the 2D polygon layer where the polygon is on. If it is 0, it means it is a 3D polygon. The last parameter is the metal type. Right now it is the No.1 metal type.
   0.0   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1  0
First vertex of the first polygon at (0,104,10). The last 0 means that the edge defined by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is not connected to other polygon. If it takes a negative number, this edge will be connected to other edge(s) on other polygons that take the same negative number. The negative number may not be critical. When MGRID reads the file, MGRID always automatically detect it and set the appropriate negative number to it. However, it will affect IE3D because IE3D will not detect it.
   1.0e+2   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1 4
The second vertex is at (100,104,10). The edge formed by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is defined as the internal port 4. The internal port 4 is in fact the external port “+2”.
   1.0e+2   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   0
The third vertex coordinates and the edge information.
   0.0   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   1
The fourth vertex coordinates and the edge information. Please understand that this edge is formed by the fourth vertex and the first vertex.
 4  1  20   2   1
From No.26 line to No.30 line is the information for the second polygon.
   0.0   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 5

   1.0e+2   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 2

4 1 20 2 1
From No.31 line to No.33 line is the information for the third polygon.
   0.0   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 6

   1.0e+2   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 3


An empty line
1   8
The first number is the number of optimization variables. The second number is number of vertices associated with the optimization variables. If the two numbers are 0, the No.44 line will be following this line. If you open some other geometry file without any optimization variable defined, you will see that the last two lines are two 0’s. One of the lines is this line and the other one is the No.44 line in this file.
  -2e-1    6 1st variable
The No.1 optimization variable parameters: The first number is the low bound and the second number is the high bound. The string following is the comment.
 1 1.5707963268   1.0
Information on the 1st call associated with the optimization variable: The 1st number is 1, meaning this vertex is associated with the No.1 optimization variable. The 2nd number is the change angle for the call in gradient. It is 90 degrees. The last number is 1, meaning the tuning rate is 1. It means the vertex will change 1 in the change angle when the optimization variable is offset to 1.
1   2   0
The 1st  number “1” is the number of vertices for the call. The 2nd and 3rd number means that the vertex 0 of the polygon 2 is in the call. We may have more than 1 pair for each call.
 1  1.5707963268   1.0
The 2nd call for the optimization variable 1
1   2   1
The vertex 1 of polygon 2 is the only vertex for the call.
 1    1.5707963268   1.0
The 3rd call for the optimization variable 1.
1   2   2
The vertex 2 of polygon 2 is the only vertex for the call.
 1   1.5707963268   1.0
The 4th call for the optimization variable 1.
1   2    3
The vertex 3 of polygon 2 is the only vertex for the call.
 1   -1.5707963268   1.0
The 5th call for the optimization variable 1.
1   3   0
The vertex 0 of polygon 3 is the only vertex for the call.
 1   - 1.5707963268   1.0
The 6th call for the optimization variable 1.
1   3   1
The vertex 1 of polygon 3 is the only vertex for the call.
 1   -1.5707963268   1.0
The 7th call for the optimization variable 1.
1   3   2
The vertex 2 of polygon 3 is the only vertex for the call.
 1  -1.5707963268   1.0
The 8th call for the optimization variable 1.
1  3   3
The vertex 3 of polygon 3 is the only vertex for the call.

Table B.2 IE3D 8.0 geometry file format.
8.0   0   1   1.0   0
The format version is 8. It means that this format has been used since IE3D 8.0.  The 0 means there is no comment line. If it is an integer K, the next K lines will be the comment. The 1 is to enable AUTOMATIC EDGE CELL. When it is 0, the AUTOMATIC EDGE CELL will be disabled. The 1.0 is the edge cell width in the unit specified below. The 0 means that meshing optimization is not enabled.
   20  2  0  1  1  7  18  1.5e+3
The 20 is the highest frequency; The second number 2 means the geometry file uses mil as length unit (1 means mm; 3 means micron); The third number is always set to 0; The fourth number is the number of dielectric substrates not including the No.0 layer; The fifth number is the number of metallic strip types. The sixth and the seventh numbers were old parameters. Please keep them as 7 and 18 or any values created by MGRID. Please do not change them to other values. The last number 1.5e+3 is the CAL discussed in Appendix A.
   0.0   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0
The No.0 dielectric layer. The first number is the top surface z-coordinate. It is always 0. The complex dielectric constant is (1,0) and the complex dielectric permeability is (1,0). The complex conductivity is (0, 0). The next 0 means that it is a normal substrate. It may take value of 2 for HTS. When it is 2, the meanings of the parameters will be changed. We will not discuss it here. The last 0 means that it is for the box 0. In future version, we may allow the user to enter multiple boxes. We will denote which box the dielectric layer is using.
  1.0e+1   2.4500e+1  -0.0   1.0  -0.0   0.0   0.0  0  0
The No.1 dielectric layer. The parameters are similarly defined. The top surface z-coordinate is 10 mils. It is defined in line 2 that the length unit is mil. It will be used in the whole file. Other parameters are similarly defined as the line 3.
7.8740157480e-2   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   4.9e+7   0.0   0
The No.1 metal type: The first parameter is the strip thickness. It is followed by the complex dielectric constant, permeability and the conductivity. The last identify what type of material. 0 means it is normal metal. When it takes other values, the parameters in the line have different meanings and we will not document them here.
1 1
Number of  grid systems and the current grid system used.
   0.0   0.0   6.299e+3 6.299e+3  4.0e-1 10
The first grid system’s parameters: (0,0) is the origin. The two 6.299e+3 are automatically set by MGRID. They are not very important, and they can be changed on MGRID. The 0.4 is the actual length each pixel on the screen represents when the structure is zoomed 100%. The dimension of each grid on the screen is 10 pixels, or 4 mils for this case. Starting from MGRID 4.0, the grid size is always 10 pixels. The product of the last 2 numbers is the physical length of the actual grid size specified on MGRID. The grid parameters are used in editing only.
The number of enclosures. We will accept multiple enclosures in the future. In the IE3D 8.0, we still can only accept 1. This value will be set to 1 only.
0  0  0  0  4  4  1  1  0.0  0  0.0  0
This line defines the enclosure walls for the No.0 enclosure. The four 0’s mean that there are no walls in the left, right, bottom and top locations. If any number takes 1, it means it is an electric wall. The number 2 means it is a magnetic wall. The number 3 means it is a periodical wall. Periodical walls come with pair. The two 4’s mean that we will take maximum 4 images in both x and y directions if there are any walls on the direction. In actual simulation, it may be smaller because there are actually not so many images. If the 4 walls are electric or periodic, the numbers should be at least 10.  The next two 1’s mean that we will calculate the radiation pattern for one element in x- and y- directions only on CURVIEW. If the user wants to calculate the pattern for more elements, the user can enter appropriate larger numbers for the x- and/or y-direction. The other way is to use the array factor in PatternView for it. The “0.0 0” is for the phase increment and element index for the x-periodic walls. The last “0.0 0” is for the phase increment and element index for the y-periodic walls. They only have meaning for periodic walls.
   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
This line identifies the locations of the left, right, bottom, and top enclosure walls. Because there is no wall for this structure, we put 0’s here.
 3 2 6 0
The first number is the number of polygons. The second number is the number of metal layers in the editing. The third number is the number of internal ports, which is 6 for this structure. There are 2 external ports only. Each external port has 1 positive port and 2 negative ports. The last number takes 0 meaning there is no plane wave excitation.
   1.0e+1 0
The No.1 metallic layer parameters. More precisely, it should be 2D polygon layer because the polygons in this layer may be representing the slot in a ground plane. The first number 10 means that the first 2D layer is at z = 10 m. The 0 means that the polygons on this layer are metallic polygons. If it is 1, it means that polygons on this layer are slots in the ground plane. In fact, it is a re-definition. On the IE3D 4.0, when the z-coordinate of the layer is on a high conductivity dielectric layer, it is automatically assumed the polygons on the layer are slots. There might be difference for later versions.
 1 3   9.1500033046   3.1415926536   0.0  1
The parameters for the No.1 internal port: The first parameter is 1 meaning it is using the Extension for MMIC scheme (2 means Localized for MMIC, 4 means Extension for Waves, 5 means Vertical Localized, 6 means 50-Ohms for Waves, 7 means Horizontal Localized Port). The second number is 3 meaning there are 3 cells in the extension. The third number is the length of each cell in the extension. The fourth number is the direction of the port. The fifth number is the distance in shifting the reference plane. Usually it is 0. The last number is the external port index for the internal port 1. For this port, it is the external “+1” port.
 1 3   9.1500033046  9.4247779608   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.2 port. It is the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046  3.1415926536   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.3 port. It is also the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 2
Parameters for the internal No.4 port. It is the “+2” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the internal No.5 port. It is the “-2” external port.
 1 3   9.1500033046   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the external No.6 Port. It is also the “-2” external port.
4 20 1 1 1
The parameters for the first polygon: The first polygon has 4 vertices. It will be meshed with 20 cells per wavelength. The third number is always 1. It is reserved for future use. The fourth number is the 2D polygon layer where the polygon is on. If it is 0, it means it is a 3D polygon. The last parameter is the metal type. Right now it is the No.1 metal type.
   0.0   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1  0
First vertex of the first polygon at (0,104,10). The last 0 means that the edge defined by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is not connected to other polygon. If it takes a negative number, this edge will be connected to other edge(s) on other polygons that take the same negative number. The negative number may not be critical. When MGRID reads the file, MGRID always automatically detect it and set the appropriate negative number to it. However, it will affect IE3D because IE3D will not detect it.
   1.0e+2   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1 4
The second vertex is at (100,104,10). The edge formed by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is defined as the internal port 4. The internal port 4 is in fact the external port “+2”.
   1.0e+2   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   0
The third vertex coordinates and the edge information.
   0.0   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   1
The fourth vertex coordinates and the edge information. Please understand that this edge is formed by the fourth vertex and the first vertex.
 4   20   1   1   1
From No.23 line to No.27 line is the information for the second polygon.
   0.0   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 5

   1.0e+2   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 2

 6 15 1 1 1
From No.28 line to No.32 line is the information for the third polygon.
   0.0   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 6

   1.0e+2   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 3


An empty line
1   8
The first number is the number of optimization variables. The second number is number of vertices associated with the optimization variables. If the two numbers are 0, the No.44 line will be following this line. If you open some other geometry file without any optimization variable defined, you will see that the last two lines are two 0’s. One of the lines is this line and the other one is the No.44 line in this file.
  -2e-1    1.42e+1
The No.1 optimization variable parameters: The first number is the low bound and the second number is the high bound.
 1 4   1.5707963268   1.0
Information on the first vertex associated with the optimization variable: The first number is 1, meaning this vertex is associated with the No.1 optimization variable. The second numb is 4. It is the global index of the vertex. The global index starts from 0. The first vertex of the No.1 polygon is global vertex 0. The second vertex of the No.1 polygon is global vertex 1. The current global vertex 4 is the first vertex of the No.2 polygon. The third number is the change angle for the vertex in gradient. It is 90 degrees for this vertex. The last number is 1, meaning the tuning rate is 1. It means the vertex will change 1 in the change angle when the optimization variable is offset to 1.
 1  5   1.5707963268   1.0
From this line to No.43 line is the information on the No.2 to No.12 optimization vertices.
 1   6   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   7   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   8   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   9   1.5707963268   1.0

 1  10   -1.5707963268   1.0

 1  11 -1.5707963268   1.0

0 0
The last line means that there is no lumped element. No information will be documented for the case when you have lumped element in MGRID because it is not frequently used.

Table B.3 IE3D 7.X geometry file format.
3.15   0   2   1.0   0
The format version is 3.15. It means that this format has been used since IE3D 3.15 to IE3D 7.X.  The 0 means there is no comment line. If it is an integer K, the next K lines will be the comment. The number 2 is to enable AUTOMATIC EDGE CELL. When it is 1, the AUTOMATIC EDGE CELL will be disabled. The 1.0 is the edge cell width in the unit specified below. The 0 means that meshing optimization is not enabled.
   20  2  0  1  1  7  18  1.5e+3
The 20 is the highest frequency; The second number 2 means the geometry file uses mil as length unit (1 means mm; 3 means micron); The third number is always set to 0; The fourth number is the number of dielectric substrates not including the No.0 layer; The fifth number is the number of metallic strip types. The sixth and the seventh numbers were old parameters. Please keep them as 7 and 18 or any values created by MGRID. Please do not change them to other values. The last number 1.5e+3 is the CAL discussed in Appendix A.
   0.0   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
The No.0 dielectric layer. The first number is the top surface z-coordinate. It is always 0. The complex dielectric constant is (1,0) and the complex dielectric permeability is (1,0). The complex conductivity is (0, 0). There might be an optional number takes value of 0 or 2. That is used to denote whether it is a normal substrate or a HTS super-conductor ground plane. If no number presents, it means it is normal substrate including normal ground plane.
   1.0e+1   2.4500e+1  -0.0   1.0  -0.0   0.0   0.0
The No.1 dielectric layer. The parameters are similarly defined. The top surface z-coordinate is 10 mils. It is defined in line 2 that the length unit is mil. It will be used in the whole file.
   7.8740157480e-2   1.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   4.9e+7   0.0   0
The No.1 metal type: The first parameter is the strip thickness. It is followed by the complex dielectric constant, permeability and the conductivity. The last identify what type of material. 0 means it is normal metal. When it takes other values, the parameters in the line have different meanings and we will not document them here.
1 1
Number of  grid systems and the current grid system used.
   0.0   0.0   6.299e+3 6.299e+3  4.0e-1 10
The first grid system’s parameters: (0,0) is the origin. The two 6.299e+3 are automatically set by MGRID 4.0. They can be changed automatically by MGRID 4.0. The 0.4 is the actual length each pixel on the screen represents when the structure is zoomed 100%. The dimension of each grid on the screen is 10 pixels, or 4 mils for this case. Starting from MGRID 4.0, the grid size is always 10 pixels. The product of the last 2 numbers is the physical length of the actual grid size specified on MGRID. The grid parameters are used in editing only.
 0 0 0 0 4 4
This line defines the enclosure walls. The four 0’s mean that there are no walls in the left, right, bottom and top locations. If any number takes 1, it means it is an electric wall. The number 2 means it is a magnetic wall. The number 3 means it is a periodical wall. Periodical walls come with pair. The two 4’s mean that we will take maximum 4 images in both x and y directions if there are any walls. In actual simulation, it may be smaller because there are actually not so many images.
   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
This line identifies the locations of the left, right, bottom, and top enclosure walls. Because there is no wall for this structure, we put 0’s here.
 3 2 6 0
The first number is the number of polygons. The second number is the number of metal layers in the editing. The third number is the number of internal ports, which is 6 for this structure. There are 2 external ports only. Each external port has 1 positive port and 2 negative ports. The last number takes 0 meaning there is no plane-wave excitation.
   1.0e+1 0
The No.1 metallic layer parameters. More precisely, it should be 2D polygon layer because the polygons in this layer may be representing the slot in a ground plane. The first number 10 means that the first 2D layer is at z = 10 m. The 0 means that the polygons on this layer are metallic polygons. If it is 1, it means that polygons on this layer are slots in the ground plane. In fact, it is a re-definition. On the IE3D 4.0, when the z-coordinate of the layer is on a high conductivity dielectric layer, it is automatically assumed the polygons on the layer are slots. There might be difference for later versions.
 1 3   9.1165079800   3.1415926536   0.0  1
The parameters for the No.1 internal port: The first parameter is 1 meaning it is using the Extension for MMIC scheme (2 means Localized for MMIC, 4 means Extension for Waves, 5 means Vertical Localized, 6 means 50-Ohms for Waves). The second number is 3 meaning there are 3 cells in the extension. The third number is the length of each cell in the extension. The fourth number is the direction of the port. The fifth number is the distance in shifting the reference plane. Usually it is 0. The last number is the external port index for the internal port 1. For this port, it is the external “+1” port.
 1 3   9.1165079800   9.4247779608   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.2 port. It is the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1165079800   3.1415926536   0.0 -1
Parameters for the internal No.3 port. It is also the “-1” external port.
 1 3   9.1165079800   6.2831853072   0.0 2
Parameters for the internal No.4 port. It is the “+2” external port.
 1 3   9.1165079800   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the internal No.5 port. It is the “-2” external port.
 1 3   9.1165079800   6.2831853072   0.0 -2
Parameters for the external No.6 Port. It is also the “-2” external port.
4 15 1 1 1
The parameters for the first polygon: The first polygon has 4 vertices. It will be meshed with 15 cells per wavelength. The third number is always 1. The fourth number is the 2D polygon layer where the polygon is on. If it is 0, it means it is a 3D polygon. The last parameter is the metal type. Right now it is the No.1 metal type.
   0.0   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1  0
First vertex of the first polygon at (0,104,10). The last 0 means that the edge defined by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is not connected to other polygon. If it takes a negative number, this edge will be connected to other edge(s) on other polygons that take the same negative number. The negative number may not be critical. When MGRID reads the file, MGRID always automatically detect it and set the appropriate negative number to it. However, it will affect IE3D because IE3D will not detect it.
   1.0e+2   1.0400e+2   1.0e+1 4
The second vertex is at (100,104,10). The edge formed by this vertex and the next rotating vertex is defined as the internal port 4. The internal port 4 is in fact the external port “+2”.
   1.0e+2   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   0
The third vertex coordinates and the edge information.
   0.0   9.6e+1   1.0e+1   1
The fourth vertex coordinates and the edge information. Please understand that this edge is formed by the fourth vertex and the first vertex.
 4   15   1   1   1
From No.23 line to No.27 line is the information for the second polygon.
   0.0   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   1.0800e+2   1.0e+1 5

   1.0e+2   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   1.3200e+2   1.0e+1 2

 6 15 1 1 1
From No.28 line to No.32 line is the information for the third polygon.
   0.0   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 0

   1.0e+2   9.2e+1   1.0e+1 6

   1.0e+2   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 0

   0.0   6.8e+1   1.0e+1 3


An empty line
1   8
The first number is the number of optimization variables. The second number is number of vertices associated with the optimization variables. If the two numbers are 0, the No.44 line will be following this line. If you open some other geometry file without any optimization variable defined, you will see that the last two lines are two 0’s. One of the lines is this line and the other one is the No.44 line in this file.
  -2e-1    1.42e+1
The No.1 optimization variable parameters: The first number is the low bound and the second number is the high bound.
 1 4   1.5707963268   1.0
Information on the first vertex associated with the optimization variable: The first number is 1, meaning this vertex is associated with the No.1 optimization variable. The second numb is 4. It is the global index of the vertex. The global index starts from 0. The first vertex of the No.1 polygon is global vertex 0. The second vertex of the No.1 polygon is global vertex 1. The current global vertex 4 is the first vertex of the No.2 polygon. The third number is the change angle for the vertex in gradient. It is 90 degrees for this vertex. The last number is 1, meaning the tuning rate is 1. It means the vertex will change 1 in the change angle when the optimization variable is offset to 1.
 1  5   1.5707963268   1.0
From this line to No.43 line is the information on the No.2 to No.12 optimization vertices.
 1   6   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   7   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   8   1.5707963268   1.0

 1   9   1.5707963268   1.0

 1  10   -1.5707963268   1.0

 1  11 -1.5707963268   1.0

0 0
The last line means that there is no lumped element. No information will be documented for the case when you have lumped element in MGRID because it is not frequently used.

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