Anna university results

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Top Ten Interviewing Questions

Top Ten Interviewing Questions

Q:  So tell me about yourself?

Remember, the interview is about you and you are the expert.  Set the stage for success by focusing on your most marketable skills and strengths.  Deliver your commercial with natural sincerity and enthusiasm.  Keep responses relatively brief (about two minutes or less) and job-related

Q:  What are your strengths?

Support your strengths with specific examples, and focus on how you saved time and money or improved sales and service, i.e., Last November I was voted Employee of the Month for outstanding customer service at XYZ Company.

Q:  What are your weaknesses?

Avoid appearing defensive.  Identify a common weakness and turn it into a strength, i.e., Sometimes I become impatient when there are delays out of my control…but I think wanting to complete the job on time is also a strength.

Q:  What has prepared you for this job?

Focus on your education, training and work experience.  Provide examples of how you have successfully managed similar tasks in the past.  Note:  Research the company in advance to find out as much as you can about the position.  Request a job description and if possible, visit the company before interviewing.

Q:  How well do you work under pressure?

Assure the interviewer you can handle multiple assignments, and keep your cool.  Share an example of how you have managed a stressful situation in the past by being well-organized and having a positive attitude.

Q:  Do you like being a team player?

Absolutely, teamwork is essential for success.  Market your people-skills in term of how you communicate effectively with an increasingly diverse population.  Give a specific example of how your writing, speaking or listening skills contributed to the success of a program or project in the last year.

Q:  How would others describe you?

This question can be tricky, so prepare by focusing on your key employment traits.  Honesty, dependability, and positive attitude are highly valued today.  Remember to put your best foot forward and project a credible image.

Q:  What do you want to do in five years?

Respond with a plan that outlines steady progress and increasing responsibility, i.e. Everything is changing so rapidly in this field…but my plan is to continue learning and gaining experience so that one day I can move on to the next level.

Q:  Why do you want this job?

Position yourself as a team-player who can be counted on to do a professional job.  Match your education, training and experience to the position.  Offer compelling reasons as to why they can’t afford not to hire you!

Q:  Do you have any questions?

YES!  Show your interest, enthusiasm and confidence by asking- among other things- about a typical workday, priority projects and on-the-job training.  And always let the interviewer raise the issue of salary and benefits first.   

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