Anna university results

Friday 5 June 2015

All India Services

All India Services
  • Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
  • Indian Police Service (IPS)
  • Indian Forest Service (IFS)
Central Civil Services - Group "A"
  • Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
  • Border Roads Engineering Service
  • Central Information Service
  • Corporate law services
  • Company Law Board Service
  • Central Power Engineering Service
  • Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service
  • Central Water Engineering Service(Civil)
  • Central Water Engineering Service(Mechanical)
  • Central Engineering Service
  • Central Engineering Service(Roads)
  • Central Health Service
  • Central Legal Service
  • Central Labour Service
  • Central Trade Service
  • Defense Lands and Cantonment Service
  • Defence Quality Assurance Service
  • Defence Research & Development Service
  • Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service
  • Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
  • Indian Postal Service
  • Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
  • Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
  • Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
  • Indian Railway Service of Engineers
  • Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
  • Indian Railway Stores Service
  • Indian Telecommunication Service
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - Income Tax
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - Customs & Central Excise
  • Indian Audits & Accounts Service (IA&AS)
  • Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
  • Indian Defence Estate Service (IDES)
  • Indian Economic Service(IES)
  • Indian Ordnance Factory Services (IOFS)
  • Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS)
  • Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
  • Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
  • Indian Information Service (IIS)
  • Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
  • Indian Naval Armament Service
  • Indian Supply Service
  • Indian Inspection Service
  • Indian Salt Service
  • Indian Broadcasting(Engs) Service
  • Indian Ordnance Factories Health Service
  • Indian Economic Service
  • Indian Statistical Service
  • Indian Cost Accounts Service
  • Indian Defence Service of Engineers
  • Indian Broadcasting(Programme) Service
  • Military Engineering Service
  • Military Engineers Service of Architects
  • Military Engineers Service of Surveyors
  • Overseas Communication Service
  • P&T Building Works Service
  • Railways Protection Force (RPF)
  • Railway Medical Service
  • Railway Board Secretariat Service
  • Survey of India Service

Central Civil Services - Group "B"
  • Defence Secretariat Service
  • Union Territories Administrative Service
  • Union Territories Police Service
State Services
  • State Civil/Administrative Service
  • State Police Service
  • State Forest Service
Public Works Department

Civil Services
Combined Defence Services (CDS)

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