Anna university results

Sunday, 28 June 2015


What is unusual about the nobody crab
Transparent appears
No Body

Collective nouns - what group af animals are a labour

Durbarry is cream of a vegetable soup  -  what one

What is the Australian name for a long narrow ox bow lake

Les Reed wrote which famous song for a Welsh singer
Its not Unusual – Tom Jones

What does hours d'oeurve literally mean
Out of course hence Extra Dish

Nossa Senhora da Aparecida is the Patron Saint which country

What airline used to be called Dobrolet

The Acropolis - what does the word literally mean
Highest point (of a city)

What is a Dolly Varden
Large Hat

Whose last words were - "That was the best soda I ever tasted"
Lou Costello

What is the common name for the astyeroidea

Jonquil is a shade of what colour

Vincent Furnier is better known as who
Alice Cooper

If you were severed a dish 'belle h'elen what fruit would it be

Terrance Nelhams became better knows as who
Adam Faith

Dick Turpin the highwayman served and apprenticeship as what

What is the main food of the Oyster catcher bird

In which cop show did Petrie and Isbecki appear
Cagney and Lacey

In the Bolshoi ballet what does the word Bolshoi mean

Which acid gives nettles their sting
Formic acid

In the Hindu religion what is a Mandir

Which wine grape variety is most planted in California

A paddling is a group of which animals

From what country does the dish skordalia come

What is a geoduck

What is Sean Connery's real first name

What nationally was Mata Hari shot as a spy

Who said - Toe err is human - But it feels divine
Mae West

Names - Baker - Cook Smith easy - what did a Chandler do
Make Candles

Declan McManus became famous as who
Elvis Costello

Robert Fitzroy captained which famous ship
The Beagle

Who said "I have no problems with drugs - only policemen"
Keith Richard

Which American city was named after a British Prime Minister

Spelling counts - what is the singular of scampi

What plant was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow

Which sailor dreamed of Toasted Cheese in Treasure Island
Ben Gunn

Who played the girl on the motorcycle in a film of same name
Marianne Faithful

What writer was paid $5 for writing thanks
Rudyard Kipling

What sort of animal is a fennec
Desert Fox

Vermicelli pasta literally translates as what
Little worms

Ernest Hemmingway, Oscar Wilde, Ranier Maria Rilke - Common
Mothers made them Crossdress

What foodwise is a Fieldlane Duck
Baked Sheep's Head

When does a Bride walk up the Aisle
Never Aisles at side only

How did Marc Quinquadron die while setting a new world record
Food Poisoning ate 7 snails 3 min

Why two car thieves caught trying to sell stolen car in 1976
Tried to sell to owner

Billie Holiday, James Dean, Eva Peron, Janis Joplin - Common
All were Prostitutes

What subject Ben Franklins letter to Royal Academy - Brussels
Perfuming Farts

Reginald Carey became famous as who
Rex Harrison

What is a Chorizo
Spicy Sausage

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