| Ignatius Loyola founded which organisation | Jesuits |
| Which 16th century Italian wrote The Prince | Machiavelli |
| A meander bend in a river, named from river meander - where | Turkey |
| Who tells the story in The Arabian Nights | Sheherazade |
| Alfred Jingle appears in which Dickens novel | The Pickwick Papers |
| Vaselina and Brillantino were alternate names which film | Grease |
| Chaplin ate a boot in the Gold Rush - what was it made of | Liquorice |
| Phoebe Anne Mozee better known as who | Annie Oakley |
| What is the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet | Kappa |
| If you were misocapnic what do you hate | Tobacco Smoke |
| In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor | Cook |
| An isoneph on a map joins places of equal what | Average Cloud Cover |
| Bumper Harris - wooden leg - what Job on London Underground | Ride new escalators |
| Who is Ivanhoe's wife | Rowena |
| The Lent Lilly has a more common name - what | Daffodil |
| What would you be if you were a coryphée | Ballet Dancer |
| Whose last words were - "Clito I owe a cock to Asclepius" | Socrates |
| What does the German word Panzer literally mean | Armour |
| What is Frances longest river | Loire |
| In which month is the Munich beer festival held | October |
| What was the name of Norse God Thor's hammer | Mjolnir |
| Who ordered John the Baptists execution | King Herod |
| What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character | Oswald the Rabbit |
| What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940 | Penicillin |
| Who wrote Beau Geste | P C Wren |
| Prophesied the Chalus the Greek - Die on day - did of what | Laughing cos he was not dead |
| Who is Aladdin's father | Mustapha the tailor |
| What American state is the Badger state | Wisconsin |
| Why was Fred Lorz disqualified 1904 Olympic marathon | Hitched a lift passing car |
| In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear | Red |
| A muster is a group of which birds | Peacocks |
| Bohea is a type of what | Tea |
| In which country were antibiotics first used | Egypt - used mouldy bread |
| Which country grew the first Orange | China |
| Gossima was the original name of what game | Table Tennis |
| Wild marjoram is also known as what | Oregano |
| What was the name of Roses monkey in Friends | Marcel |
| Horse brasses - on dreyhorses - originally what purpose | Charms - ward off evil |
| Alfred Hitchcock admitted to being terrified of what | Policeman |
| What was the name of Sancho Panza's donkey | Dapple |
| What is Steganography | Invisible ink writing |
| An Albert chain is usually attached to what | Watch |
| An unkindness is a group of what birds | Ravens |
| A fellmonger deals in what items | Animal skins |
| What colour habit do Franciscan monks wear | Grey |
| Nenen-Kona is sold in Russia - what do we call it | Pepsi-Cola |
| Hugh Lofting created which famous character | Doctor Dolittle |
| What was the name of Russian bear mascot 1980 Olympics | Mischa |
| What ingredient must French ice cream contain by law | Eggs |
| A kindle is the name for a group of what young animals | Kittens |
Friday, 19 June 2015
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