Anna university results

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Stress interview tips

Stress interview

Stress is a physical term indicating the impact of one subject on the other. Though it may sound rather strange, many experienced interviewers may often use this interview method. In a Stress Interview, a number of interviewers shall continuously by turn ask questions and cause pressure on the candidates to evaluate their ability to handle high pressure. Also, the goal of Stress Interview is to test the candidates‘ ability to work under a busy environment. Questions in a stress interview are commonly relating to multi-task project, overtime working or conflict handling at work.

Stress interview tips

1.  Stress Interview Process

Stress Interview is normally performed as follows:

     The candidates are made to wait for a long time before the interview.
     The interviewers don‘t show certain manners to the candidates such as inviting them to sit or drink a glass of water.
     The interviewers keep a long silence before asking the candidates.
     The interviewers ask multiple of questions before the candidates can answer completely one.
     The interviewers may pretend not paying attention to the candidates and therefore, make them very stressful.
     The interviewers may criticize the candidates no matter they approve or disapprove.
     Behavior improperly during the interviews which may cause hard feelings for the candidates.

2.  Methods of Dealing with Stress Interview

     Don‘t take personally for what you see. Think of this like a game of mind.
     Keep calm and don‘t get frustrated. This is an interview. There must be something going on.
     Answer clearly and don‘t change your answer.
     Maintain a smile on your face. Don‘t look so serious.
     Don‘t overreact for what you hear.
     Keep your head cool is the best way to deal with this high pressure.

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