| Boob Day in Spain is what day in Britain (practical jokes played) | April Fools Day 1st April |
| What crime did Theresa Vaughn commit 62 times in 5 years | Bigamy - Tried 1922 |
| Who sailed in a ship called Queen Ann's Revenge | Blackbeard |
| Saponification is the process that makes what common product | Soap |
| Blue red green yellow four Olympic rings colour what's missing | Black |
| Detective Philip Marlow smokes what brand | Camels |
| Who landed on Timor Island after being cast adrift | Captain Bligh |
| What is the more common name of the Chaparral Cock | The Road Runner |
| In what language did St Paul write his epistles | Greek |
| Ian Fleming's house was called Goldeneye - which country | Jamaica |
| Alfred Schneider became famous as who | Lenny Bruce |
| A C-Curity was the original name of what common object | Zip Fastener |
| Fidelity Bravery Integrity is which organisations motto | FBI |
| Who was the first black entertainer to win an Emmy award | Harry Bellefonte |
| Anthony Daniels played who in a series of films | C-P3O |
| Of what material was the hairspring made in early watches | Pigs Hair |
| In 1860 Napoleon III banquet - serving dishes dearer gold - what | Aluminium |
| Which author created Dick Tracy | Chester Gould |
| What is the worlds most widely used vegetable | Onion |
| What are lentigines | Freckles |
| What type of animal is a vmi-vmi | Very small pig |
| What did Mege-Mouries invent in 1870 winning a Napoleon prize | Margarine |
| What was Walt Disney's middle name | Elias |
| Who would you expect to find in Castle Gondolofo | The Pope |
| What two items make up the dish devils on horseback | Bacon Prunes |
| What does ludo mean (literally) | I Play |
| The Detours changed to The High Numbers then what name | The Who |
| What animal was believed to be a cross camel - leopard | Giraffe |
| An elephant has 400000 what in its trunk | Muscles |
| What colour is cerulean | Deep Blue |
| Who composed the Air for the G string (init and name) | JS Bach |
| What were Twinkletoes - Lucky Jim (stuffed cats) first to do | Fly across Atlantic Alcock Brown |
| What are kreplach | Jewish ravioli |
| The pica pica is what common bird | Magpie |
| What male human feature was taxed in Elizabethan times | Beards |
| Which record company rejected the Beatles as being past it | Decca |
| From which country does spinach originate | Iran |
| British policemen have truncheons what is USA equivalent | Nightstick |
| In DC comics Linda Lee Danvers is whose alter ego | Supergirl |
| In what country does the cow tree grow - sap looks tastes milk | Venezuela |
| The penny black - worlds first stamp - what was second | Two penny Blue |
| Which country produces Tokay | Hungary |
| Where could you legally flash your dong - then spend it | Vietnam currency |
| The Bald Eagle is Americas bird - What is Britain's | Robin |
| Australian Clement Wragge instituted what | Naming Hurricanes |
| What does Zip stand for in the American Zip Code | Zone Improvement Plan |
| What wood is plywood mostly made from | Birch |
| What is a Hummum | Turkish bath |
| In which sport are left handed people banned from playing | Polo |
| What food was invented in a sanatorium in 1890 | Kellogg corn flakes |
Thursday, 18 June 2015
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