| Who sold the most albums on a single day | Elvis 20 million day after death |
| What was the last item shown on British TV before WW2 | Mickey Mouse |
| What countries people had the longest life expectation | Iceland |
| Who said "I like Beethoven especially the poems" | Ringo Starr |
| What does the entire economy of the island of Nauru depend on | Bird shit - Guano fertiliser |
| John Glen first USA to orbit earth was in which service | US Marine Corps |
| Oedipus was named after what - literal translation | Swollen feet |
| What fish can hold objects in its tail | Sea Horse |
| Who is the most filmed comic strip character | Zorro |
| Whose version of A View to a Kill reached 1 in USA 2 in UK | Duran Duran |
| Which country grows the most potatoes | Russia |
| What does a drosomoter measure | Dew |
| Which English Kings armour has the biggest codpiece | Henry 8 |
| Which country was the first to abolish capitol punishment 1826 | Russia Czar Nicholas - Siberia instead |
| In law what is a co-parcener | Joint Heir |
| Which pop group had a hit with Silence is Golden | Tremaloes |
| Greek mathematician cylinder enclosed sphere carved on grave | Archimedes |
| What does a psephologist study | Voting - Elections |
| Where would you find line of Mars - Girdle of Venus | Palm - lines in Palmistry |
| British call this bird species tits - what do Americans call them | Chickadees |
| Which country owns the Hen and Chicken islands | North island New Zealand |
| Who created the TV series - The man from UNCLE | Ian Fleming |
| Which film director described actors as cattle | Alfred Hitchcock |
| Shirley Bassey sang three Bond themes - which 3 films | Goldfinger, Diamonds are Forever, Moonraker |
| Barring rain - in which athletics event would you get wet | Steeplechase |
| What colour is the flesh of the Charentais melon | Orange |
| Who appeared on the first US postage stamps (both names) | Washington - Franklin |
| Who was the first person elected to US swimming hall fame | Johnny Weismuller |
| The guillotine was invented for chopping off what | Hands |
| Which country invented the bedsprings | Greeks |
| Whets the difference between fog and mist | Seeing Distance under 1000yd |
| What did Spanish scientists fit to cows to increase milk yield | False Teeth |
| What people founded cheese making in England | Romans |
| What is the first name of Mr Toad - in Toad of Toad Hall | Thaddeus |
| Atephobia is a fear of what | Imperfection |
| What are Grapnel, Bruce, Danforth, Plough types of? | Anchor |
| Why did Handel compose The Messiah | For Cash |
| Red flags flown by French ships - Joli Rouge origin of what name | Jolly Rodger |
| in which country could you spend a Kwanza | Angola |
| John Henry Deutchendorf famous as who (both names) | John Denver |
| Mitre Dovetail Jig and Hack are types of what | Saw |
| Tracey and Hepburn first film in 1942 was what | Woman of the Year |
| Antimacassars were fitted to chairs - what is macasser | Hair oil |
| Jack Ketch 1663 1686 had what job | Hangman |
| Nekal was the first type of what product (Germany 1917) | Detergent |
| Who was the first Grand Prix driver to used a safety belt in 1967 | Jackie Stuart |
| The SF award the Hugo is named after Hugo who? | Gernsbeck |
| Maurice Micklewhite became famous as who | Michael Caine |
| What do Ombrophobes fear | Rain |
| If you had a Brassica Rapa what vegetable would you have | Turnip |
Thursday, 18 June 2015
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