Anna university results

Monday, 15 June 2015

Indicative Syllabus for Tier-II of the Examination

Indicative Syllabus for Tier-II of the Examination:
Paper-I  : Quantitative Ability :    The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be the computation  of whole numbers, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion,Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart
Paper-II  : English Language  & Comprehsion: Questions in this components will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of English Language and will be based on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, cloze passage & comprehension passage.
Paper-III :   Statistics for Investigator Grade-II, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation & Compiler in RGI.
Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data – Primary  and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions.
Measures of Central Tendency- Common measures of central tendency – mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, deciles, percentiles.
Measures of Dispersion- Common measures dispersion – range, quartile deviations, mean deviation and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion.
Moments, Skewness  and Kurtosis – Different types of moments and their relationship; meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different measures of skewness and kurtosis.
Correlation and Regression – Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman’s rank correlation; Measures of association of attributes; Multiple regression; Multiple and partial correlation (For three variables only).
Probability Theory – Meaning of probability; Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; Independent events; Bayes’ theorem.
Random Variable and Probability Distributions – Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial , Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variable (discrete).
Sampling Theory – Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errors; Probability and non-probability sampling techniques(simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling and quota sampling); Sampling distribution(statement only); Sample size decisions.
Statistical  Inference - Point estimation and interval estimation, Properties of a  good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum  likelihood  method, Least squares method),  Testing of  hypothesis, Basic concept of testing,  Small sample and large sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F  statistic,  Confidence intervals. Analysis of Variance - Analysis of one-way classified data and two-way classified data. Time Series Analysis - Components of time series, Determinations of trend component by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods.
Index Numbers - Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction  of index numbers, Types of index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers,  Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers.
NOTE-I : Questions in Paper-I will be of 10th standard level, Paper-II of 10+2 level and Paper-III of graduation level.
NOTE- II: The Commission will have full discretion to fix separate minimum qualifying marks in each of the papers in Tier II and in the aggregate of all the papers separately for each category of candidates (viz. SC/ST/OBC /PH/ExS/General (UR) Only those candidates who qualify in all the papers as well as in the aggregate would be eligible to be considered for being called for Interview and/or Skill Test.
There will be different set of Questions for Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates in Paper-I-Quantitative Ability, which shall not have any component of Map/Graphs/Statistical Data/ Diagrams/Figures/Geometrical problems/Pie-chart etc.   However, components of other papers  will be the same as that for general candidates.
NOTE-III: Any representation to key of the examination will be scrutinized with the help of experts, wherever necessary, and evaluation in that case will be done with modified answer key. The decision of the Commission in this regard will be final and no further representation will be entertained.
9 (E): Personality Test/ Interview:
10.      Document Verification:
11(A): Physical standards for the post of Inspector (Central Excise/Examiner/Preventive Officer/Inspector & Sub-Inspector in CBN):
Male Candidates: (i)            Physical Standards:
Height 157.5 cms.
Chest 81 cms. (fully expanded with a minimum expanses of 5 cms.)
Height relaxable by 5 cms. In the case of Garwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Scheduled Tribes.
ii)        Physical Test:
Female Candidates:
i)         Physical standards (Minimum):
Height  152 cms.
Weight  48 Kgs.
Height relaxable by 2.5 cms.
Weight by 2 Kgs. for  Gorkhas, Garwalis,
Assamese and  Members of Scheduled Tribes
ii)        Physical Test :
11(B):           Physical standards for the Post of Sub- Inspector in Central Bureau of Investigation:
11(C): Physical standards for the Post of Sub- Inspector in National Investigation Agency:
12.      General instructions to be complied by the candidates in the written examination:
13.      Mode of Selection :
21.      Important instructions to Candidates:
(i)       SSC(NR), New Delhi
- 01164715222, 01165021888, 01124363343 , 01124360840
(ii)      SSC(CR), Allahabad
- 05322460511,  09452424060
(iii)     SSC(SR), Chennai
- 09445195946, 04428251139
(iv)     SSC(WR), Mumbai
- 09869730700,  07738422705

For posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is prescribed, the Personality Test/ interview  will carry a maximum of 100 marks.
The interview will be held at the Commission’s Regional /Sub Regional  Offices  of the Commission  or at any other place as decided by the Commission.
SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid TA as per Govt. Orders. However, no TA is payable to any candidate for appearing in the written examination.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
9 (F): Skill Test: For the post of Tax Assistants (  Central Excise & Income Tax ):
Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) at 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depression per hour on Computer.
The “Data Entry Speed” Skill Test at  2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes will be of qualifying nature. Computer will be provided by the Commission at the Centre/venue notified for the purpose. Candidates shall not be allowed to bring their own Key-board.
The Skill test will be conducted  in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose.
Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion, will be eligible to appear in the SKILL TEST. The SKILL TEST will be held at the Commission’s Regional/Sub Regional  Offices or  at other Centres as may be decided by the Commission.
OH candidates opting for the post of tax assistant in CBDT are exempted for appearing in skill test. OH candidates opting for post of tax assistant in CBEC are not exempted from skill test. HH and VH candidates are not eligible for exemption from the skill test.
Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be sent by the Regional /Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to eligible candidates declared qualified  for appearing in Skill Test.
VH candidates may be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes in DEST at par with typing test. Only those VH candidates who opt  for scribes  in the written examination will be provided passage reader at the time of skill test.
The Skill Test will be of qualifying nature.
9(G): The Commission will hold Computer Proficiency Test (CPT), comprising of three modules- Word Processing , Spread Sheet and Generation of Slides, for applicants for the post of Assistants of CSS.
The CPT will be conducted in the manner decided by  the Commission for the purpose .
Scheme of DOPT for the post of CSS Assistant does not envisage exemption from CPT for any category  of  PH candidates.
Detailed instructions regarding CPT will be sent by the Regional/Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to eligible candidates declared qualified for appearing in the CPT.
CPT will be of qualifying nature.
Detailed instructions on DEST( Data Entry Skill Test) and CPT (Computer Proficiency Test) are/will be available on the Commission’s website.

All candidates are required to come for document verification. Those failing to do so will not be considered for final selection. Candidates are also required to submit all documents in original for verification at the time of document verification. Revised options for posts will not be taken at the time of document verification.  The options exercised in the application form are final.

Walking  : 1600 metres  in 15 minutes.
Cycling :    8 Kms.  In 30  minutes.

Walking   :  1 Km. in 20 minutes.
Cycling    :   3 Kms. in 25 minutes.
NOTE: For the post of Inspector Central Excise, Examiner and Preventive Officer, as per CBEC’s letter No. C-18013/23/2013-Ad II B dated 20.11.2013, persons with disabilities will have to meet the physical  standards  i.e. Height, Chest and Weight  prescribed for the post of Inspectors, Central Excise, Examiner and Preventive Officer in CBEC. However, for orthopedically disabled candidates the following relaxation in Physical Test is allowed:
(a)  The test of “Walking” shall not be insisted in case of OL and OAL categories.
(b)  The test of “Cycling” shall not be insisted in case of OA, OL and OAL categories.

a)            Height
For men        - 165  cms. For women          - 150  cms.
Height relaxable for Hillsmen and Tribals : 5 cms.
b)            Chest :
76  cms.  with  expansion (There shall be no such requirement in case of female candidates)
c)            Vision :
Eye-sight (with or without glasses)
Distant vision : 6/6 in one and 6/9 in the other eye.
Near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in other eye.

a)            Height
For men        - 170 cms. For women          - 150  cms.
Height relaxable for Hillsmen and Tribals : 5  cms.
b)            Chest :
76  cms.  with  expansion (There shall be no such requirement in case of female candidates)
c)            Vision :
Eye-sight (with or without glasses)
Distant vision : 6/6 in one and 6/9 in the other eye.
Near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in other eye.
Note: Candidates are  advised to make sure before opting for any category of post that they fulfill the requirements for that category. The physical measurements (including vision test) for candidates will be conducted by the   concerned Indenting Departments and only those candidates who fulfill the specified physical measurements  will be eligible  for  the respective posts. No request from candidates for allotting to any other service/category  of post will be entertained by the Commission if the nominated candidates fail  to meet the physical requirements. Thus, the onus  of  fulfilling the eligibility criteria will exclusively  be on the candidates opting for such posts.

Candidates must write the papers/indicate the answers  in their own hand.(except for VH candidates & Cerebral Palsy candidates opting for the assistance of Scribe)
In the question papers, wherever necessary, the Metric systems of weights and measures only will be used.
Candidates are not permitted to use calculators and other electronic gadgets.  They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Premises/ Venue.
If any candidate is found to possess mobile phone or any other means of wireless communication, in working or  switched off mode, his/her candidature shall be cancelled forthwith and he/she will be debarred from the Commission’s examination for a period of three years or more.

1.             After the Written Examination and the Interview /Skill Test/Computer Proficiency
Test/Document verification wherever applicable, the Commission will  draw up the All India Merit List for each category of post. As many candidates as are found by the Commission to have qualified in the Examination  shall be recommended for appointment for each category of post  up to the number of  vacancies available, taking into consideration option for the posts.
2.             The Commission will recommend the candidates in the Merit List on the basis   of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination and interview (wherever applicable) and preference exercised by the candidates in the Application Form  for different Posts. Once the candidate has been given his/her first   available preference, he/she will not be considered for the other options. Candidates are, therefore, advised to exercise preference in Application Form carefully. The option /preference once exercised by the Candidates will be treated as FINAL and IRREVERSIBLE.  Subsequent request for change of allocation/service by candidates will not be entertained under any circumstances/ reasons.
3.             SC, ST, OBC and PH candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, alongwith  candidates belonging to  other communities, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of  vacancies.  Such SC, ST, OBC and PH candidates will be accommodated against the general/unreserved vacancies in the post as per their position in the overall Merit List or vacancies earmarked for their category, whichever is advantageous to them.    The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SCs, STs,OBCs and PH candidates who are lower in merit than the last general candidate on merit list of unreserved category but otherwise found suitable for appointment by relaxed standard.
4.             A person with physical disability(OH/HH/VH) who qualifies  the  Commission’s examination under  General standards   can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy provided the post is identified suitable for  person with disability of relevant category.
5.             An Ex-Serviceman or Physically Handicapped (OH/HH/VH) category candidate who
qualifies on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience or qualifications, permitted number of chances in written examination, extended zone of consideration, etc. is to be counted against reserved vacancies and not against general vacancies subject to fitness of such candidate for selection.   Such candidates may also be recommended at the relaxed standards to the extent the number of vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the reserved quota, irrespective of  their rank in the order of merit.   In so far as cases of Ex-Serviceman are concerned, deduction from the age of Ex-Servicemen is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption cannot be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age.
6.             Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects of appointment to the service/post.
7.             The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility  conditions for admission to the examination.  Their admission at  all stages  of the examination will be  purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the  prescribed eligibility conditions.   If, on verification, at any time before or after the written examination and interview, it is found that  they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission.
14.      Resolution of Tie Cases: Ties cases will be resolved by applying one after another, as applicable till the Tie is resolved.
(i)    Total marks in the written examination and Interview, wherever, applicable.
(ii)  Total marks of Tier-II Examination.
(iii)Total marks in Tier-I Examination.
(iv)Date of Birth, with older candidate placed higher.
(v) Alphabetical order in which the first names of the candidates appear.
15.      How to Apply: The application must be submitted only in the prescribed format on – line or on paper/off-line. (Annexure-I). For detailed instructions for filling up the application form Annexure-II (A&B) may be referred to.
16.      Preference: The Examination is being held for multiple posts with different qualifications and other requirements. The candidate is required to indicate his Posts-wise preference very carefully.  He/She would not be considered for any post, if he/she has not indicated his preference for such posts. Option once exercised in the application is final  and therefore, candidates are advised to be careful in exercise of option for posts.
17.      Admission to the Examination: All candidates who apply in response to this advertisement by the CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION are assigned Roll numbers. These will be communicated to them about two weeks before Tier-I examination. A candidate must write his/her Roll number along with his/her name, date of birth and name of the examination while addressing any communication to the Commission. Communication from candidates not furnishing these particulars shall not be entertained.
Admission Certificates (ACs) for the Examination indicating the time table and also venues of examination for each candidate will be issued to all applicants  about two weeks before the date of examination. If any candidates does not receive admission certificate for the examination one week before the date of examination, he/she must immediately contact the concerned Regional/Sub Regional Office (s) of the commission with proof of having submitted his/her application (In case of Applications submitted under Certificate of Posting, the Date-Stamp of the Post-Office concerned should be clearly legible). Failure to do so will deprive him/her of any claim for consideration. Candidates also have the option to download the Admission Certificate from the concerned Regional/Sub Regional office website. Such facility will be available at least one week before the examination.
18.      Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct: Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling in the application form.  Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or the attested certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document.  If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy, in filling OMR Sheet, they will not be evaluated.
Without prejudice to criminal action/debarment from Commission’s examination wherever necessary, candidature will be summarily cancelled at any stage of the recruitment in respect of candidates found have indulged in any of the following:-
(i)            In possession of mobile phone & accessories and other electronic gadgets within the premises of the examination centres, whether in use or in switched off mode and on person or otherwise.
(ii)          Involved in malpractices.
(iii)         Using unfair means in the examination hall.
(iv)         Obtaining support for his / her candidature by any means.
(v)          Impersonate/ Procuring impersonation by any person.
(vi)         Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with.
(vii)        Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information.
(viii)      Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the examination.
(ix)         Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor, Invigilator or Commission’s representatives.
(x)          Taking away the Answer Sheet with him/her from the examination hall, or passing it on to unauthorised persons during the conduct of  the examination.
(xi)         Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of examination.
(xii)        To be ineligible for the Examination by not fulfilling the eligibility conditions mentioned in the Notice.
(xiii)      Candidature can also be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment for any other ground which the Commission considers to be sufficient cause for cancellation of candidature.
19.      Commission’s decision final: The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s) and interviews, allotment of examination centres, selection and allotment of posts/organizations to selected candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
20.      Courts’ Jurisdiction: Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to courts/tribunals having jurisdiction over the place of concerned Regional/Sub-Regional Office of the SSC where the candidate has submitted his/her application.

(1)        Graduation from a recognized University is the minimum Educational Qualification. The Examination will comprise of two Tiers of Written Objective Type examination followed by Computer Proficiency Test/ Interview/Skill Test, wherever applicable as per the Scheme of Examination. Posts have been placed in two groups, inter-alia,   based on their Grade Pay and papers in Tier II Examination/Interview. Preference for Posts, is to be indicated in the application. Candidates are requested to note that preference for Posts once exercised will be final. Request for change of preference will not be considered under any circumstance. For the post of Assistant in CSS, candidate shall have not more than three attempts unless covered by any of the exceptions notified by Government of India.
(2)        In view of the huge number of applicants, scrutiny of the eligibility category etc. will  not be  undertaken at the time of Tier-I  and Tier-II examination . Therefore,   the application will be accepted provisionally only. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age,  physical standards etc and satisfy themselves that they are eligible, before applying and before indicating their preference for any particular post. Copies of supporting documents will be sought only from those candidates who appear in Tier-II examination at the time of interview/skill test/document verification.  Candidature will be cancelled if any information or claim is not found substantiated when the scrutiny of documents is undertaken by the Commission after Tier-II of the Examination.    Commission’s decision shall be final in this regard.
(3)        Candidates in their own interest are advised to go through the detailed instruction contained in this notice, which is also available on the website of the Commission:, carefully before applying.
(4)        Candidates  seeking  reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC/PH/EXS  must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be  in possession  of the required certificates in the prescribed format in support of their  claim as stipulated in this Notice.  OBC candidates should ensure that they are in possession of valid OBC Certificate issued within the due date issued by the authority mentioned in the format.
(5)        Candidates with visual disability of 40% and more will only be  considered as VISUALLY HANDICAPPED  and entitled to reservation for VH candidates, wherever such reservation is available.
(6)        Central Government civilian employees claiming age relaxation should  produce  a certificate in the prescribed format from their office at the time of Interview/Skill Test/Document Verification, in respect of the length of continuous  service which should be for not less than three years  during the period immediately preceding the closing date for receipt of application. They should remain Central Government civilian employees till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
(7)        Fee: Rupees One Hundred only (Rs. 100): Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped, and ExServicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee as per extant Government orders.
(8)        Closing date for receipt of application: 01.06.2015. For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and for candidates residing abroad – 08.06.2015. Applications received late will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Commission will not be responsible for postal delay.
(9)        Only one application, either a paper application or online application is to be submitted by the candidates to the concerned Regional/Sub-Regional office of the Commission keeping in view the Centre of examination chosen by him/her. In case of multiple applications for on-line application, the last application for which part-I and part-II registrations have been completed will be accepted. For off-line applications, the regional director/deputy director at his/her discretion, will accept only one of the applications.
Mobile phone and accessories and other electronic gadgets are banned within the premises of the examination centres. Possession of such equipment whether in use or in switch off mode, during the examination will be considered as use of unfair means. Candidature of such candidates will be cancelled. They will be liable for further action including initiation of criminal proceedings and debarment from commission’s examination upto 3 ( three)  years,  as may be decided by the commission.
Candidates may submit on line applications at website and They should  retain registration number assigned to them on line for  correspondence  with the commission. They should not submit print outs of their application to the commission. The facility of on-line application will be available upto 28.05.2015 (5:00 pm) for Part-I registration and for Part-II registration upto  01.06.2015 (5.00  p.m. ).
Candidates may contact following Regional Help Lines for clarifications, if any, in respect of filling/submitting applications :
(v)         SSC(ER), Kolkata           - 09477461228,  09477461229
(vi)        SSC(MPR) Raipur          - 09407921504,  09407921505 (vii)    SSC(KKR), Bangalore   - 08025502520,  09483862020
(viii)     SSC(NWR), Chandigarh           - 09915509204 ,    09915509331
(ix)       SSC(NER), Guwahati,   - 09085073593,  09085015252
Candidates must carry at least one photo bearing Identity Proof in original such as
Driving Licence, Voter Card, Aadhaar Card, Identity Card issued by University/College, Income Tax Pan Card to the examination center, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination.
In case the scanned photograph(s) appearing in the Commission’s copy of Admission Certificate and/or Attendance Sheet is not clear, invigilators are required to verify the identity of the Candidates with reference to the photo ID Proof and get colour photographs pasted on the Commission’s copy of Admission Certificate and/or on Attendance Sheet as the case may be. Accordingly, candidates should bring passport size colour photographs (two photographs for each session) for affixing it in the Commission’s copy of Admission Certificate and/or on the Attendance Sheet in the presence of Invigilator. Candidates not carrying photographs will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

For detailed instructions relating to Application Form, instructions for filling up the application form and for on-line payment/submission of application, candidates are advised to refer to Annexure-I, II A & II B.

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